Select the correct answer:

1. 'The music in my heart I bore
Long after it was heard no more'
These lines appear in_______

2. 'She left India as a student, but she would see the nation of her birth, all of it, from hundreds of miles above'-
George W.Bush spoke these lines about whom?

3. Who among the following is not a character in Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice'?

4. Who speaks the following lines in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'.
'The quality of mercy is not strained
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath'.

5. 'The following line is from the play Julius Caesar.
'O judg'ment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts'
The figure of speech employed in the above line is

6. In Julius Caesar, Antony says,
'For Brutus is an honourable man'.
-Here the tone of Antony is one of

7. Who was the first senator to stab Caesar?

8. Paulnack was the director of the music division at

9. Which one of the following statements is not related to the lesson 'Music The Hope Raiser'?

10. ________composed the German Requiem.